Important Notice Please Read

We are currently working on the terms for a new scheme for student tenancy guarantors which we hope to announce soon.

If you would like to be notifies as soon as the new scheme is open then please click here to leave your email address.

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Insurance cover for student tenancy guarantors from £95

(plus insurance premium tax)

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Why do you need a Guarantor Insure policy?

As a student guarantor, if you are entering into a tenancy agreement that makes you joint and severally liable then you are not just standing as a guarantor for your tenant and their share of the tenancy, you are legally standing guarantor for the entire tenancy and the conduct of all the tenants.

You probably don't know the other guarantors to the tenancy or their financial situation so in the event a dispute over rent or damages is taken to court you could be the guarantor that is deemed most able to pay and action could be taken solely against you.

In the event of a dispute over outstanding rent payments or damage the guarantor insure policy provides a dispute resolution service to help bring all the guarantors together to agree a fair and amicable solution should a breach of the tenancy agreement occur.

If a dispute escalates and goes to court your policy provides both legal and financial protection and limits your liability to your 'share’ (subject to terms and conditions)

The Benefits

  • Cover up to £50,000
  • Cover for unpaid rent
  • Cover for damages
  • Legal and financial protection*
  • Quick and simple to arrange cover

Protect yourself as a Rent Guarantor from £95 plus insurance premium tax

Get covered in 3 easy steps

Our simple process allows you to get going straight away with insuring your guarantee.

Fill in property details1

Complete the application form

Add the tenant details2

Pay the premium

Pay and you're covered3

All Documents emailed directly to you

Why Guarantor Insure

About us

We understand, from firsthand experience just how daunting it is to sign a contract for a student tenancy that makes you joint and severally liable. That's why we created the guarantor insure policy for student guarantors.

Our policy is only suitable for guarantors of student tenancies and is designed to provide cover in the event that you, the policyholder, are pursued solely for unpaid rent or damage relating to the tenancy, subject to the terms in the policy wording

Guarantor insure provides peace of mind backed up with real financial and legal protection for private individuals guaranteeing a student tenancy in England, Scotland or Wales, who have entered into a legally binding tenancy agreement that holds them jointly and severally liable.

  • Leading provider of cover
  • Specific cover for student guarantors
  • Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (

Contact us

We are here to help. If you have any further questions or would like to speak to one of our team, then please get in touch.

Subscribe and get reminded

Subscribe and be the first to get notified on relevant product information. If you also provide your tenancy start date we will remind you nearer this time